Sarah Kay Ndjerareou is the author of Pieces of Glass. The child of missionary parents, writing became a natural way to process my adventures through Siberia, Ukraine, Kenya, Monaco, Swaziland, Thailand and beyond. Ndjerareou means ‘he who builds the road’ in Ngambai, my husband’s Reounodji Nathanael (Nate’s) tribal language spoken in Chad, Africa. Our favorite travel companions are our daughter, Sophia, and son Isaac. Today our home is in Texas.
Ndjerareou Journey

Explore Charleston, South Carolina

S etting matters.  When Nate proposed, I’d survived a gut-wrenching season of loss and needed this happily-ever-after moment to be extra special. I’m so thankful to the important people who loved us so well. They trekked all over the globe to ...

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

-   -Martin Luther King Jr.   -

Soulful Sojourning

Real Life, Real Love

I t all starts with MOOOOOOMMMMMMM! Isaac ate dog food! MOM! Isaac’s sucking on a sponge and spraying water all over the bathroom. Mom! Isaac’s climbing into the dryer! The chaos seems all consuming lately. The prettier I try to ...