Global Lit

What’s Your Story?

What do you believe about your writing today? What’s the story you tell yourself when you face the blank page?

We know there is power in a story, but what is the story we believe about ourselves? Our writing story? Is it true? How can we rewrite that story this year?

“All transformation is story transformation.” Dan McAdams, Professor of Narrative Psychology, Northwestern University.

Mine? I don’t finish projects.

Saying it out loud gives me perspective. It’s not true. I’ve completed several, but I do love to start new ones. There is just enough truth in my story that it can cripple my focus and stamina. Thankfully my tribe reminds me of what I’ve actually accomplished and better tools help me rewrite my own story.

Authors Ian Cron and Donald Miller both recently released new books on narrative therapy, the power of personal stories. If you need a kickstart to your 2022, they have created powerful tools, but your story is between you and the page.

Writing is solitary, but it takes a tribe to keep you motivated and moving in the right direction. Cultivating Creativity: Find Your Tribe.

I’ve used Donald Miller’s Story Brand Productivity Schedule for a while. It revolutionized my daily process and helped me tap into my imagination consistently.

Don’t give up, the world needs your story.

 Photo by Neel on Unsplash
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