I want to be pretty! It’s the screaming demand of my anxious heart and it gets my full attention. On any given day the demand can be different. I want to be loved, accomplished, adored. There is nothing wrong with ...
S etting matters. When Nate proposed, I’d survived a gut-wrenching season of loss and needed this happily-ever-after moment to be extra special. I’m so thankful to the important people who loved us so well. They trekked all over the globe to ...
I t all started when Nate, in a post-Christmas haze, declared he was going carb-free. As a work-from home couple, we’ve discovered we enjoy cooking together. The key to working and living in the same space is lots of ...
It all started with an overnight train from Nairobi, Kenya to Mombasa. Our missionary parents went all out with a sleeper car and white gloved diner service knowing it was a trip of a lifetime. Waking to gazelles and zebra ...
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”
- -Martin Luther King Jr. -
I t all starts with MOOOOOOMMMMMMM! Isaac ate dog food! MOM! Isaac’s sucking on a sponge and spraying water all over the bathroom. Mom! Isaac’s climbing into the dryer! The chaos seems all consuming lately. The prettier I try to ...
Two adults, two children, ages 8 and 1, thirty-six hours of travelling and instantly my daughter drops a thank you in Thai to the kind man at the hotel who gave her an elephant. We’d been in Bangkok less than an ...